You Booking Link (for your booking page)
Your BUK link is the link to your Booking Page, and it is through this link that your clients should schedule their next appointments with you.

Your BUK link is the link to your Booking Page, and it is through this link that your clients should schedule their next appointments with you.
This link was set when you created your account along with your business name, and it is always present in the main menu of your schedule so you can easily copy and share it with your clients!
If you haven't shared it with anyone yet, you can change it on your Booking Page by clicking on the top right corner, and then click on 'Edit' ✏️
Tip: You don't need to use the full name of your business in your link. If it becomes too long, try using the main name to make it easier to advertise and for your clients to remember it in the future.
Example: Magnetic Hair Salon
Link with the full name:
Suggestion link:
Share your booking link with your clients on your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Whatsapp and let the magic happen! 🪄
If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]
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